百事跨界新作打造时装周主题无糖限量罐展区。 3月28日 - 4月3日, 百事惊艳亮相国际时装盛事-2018秋冬上海时装周, 并推出特别限量罐。 From March 28 to April 3, Pepsi made an impactful appearance at the Shanghai Fashion Week 2018 AW when presenting its brand and a special edition limited can design. PEPSI X SHANGHAI FASHION WEEK 继PEPSI X ALEXANDER WANG无糖限量罐发布会后, SMS GROUP再度助力百事跨界新作,打造此次时装周主题无糖限量罐展区。 Following the launch of the PEPSI X ALEXANDER WANG special edition can, SMS GROUP again partnered up with Pepsi, to create a boundary crossing exhibition piece during the week-long event. 展区外部设计简约低调,帘幕拉开后,却呈现如万花筒般不断变换、极富视觉冲击力的体验空间。 While keeping the exterior design of the experience in mysterious and minimalist black, the inside opened up a mind-blowing, kaleidoscopic burst of imagination. 通过镜面元素与动态展示的有机结合,抽象化现实边界,展区营造独特沉浸式空间,让观者全方位感受百事的时尚原力与张力,在时装周期间吸引了众多时尚达人。 The dynamic display used video panels and mirror elements in perfect alignments to disrupt and enhance reality allowing a stunning immersion into Pepsi’s fashionable, original and impactful world. We brought about a unique live experience which attracted a large number of fashionistas yearning to engage with. LIVE WITHOUT COMPROMISE 此次限量罐是百事为2018秋冬上海时装周特别设计的,以时装周主题“融·本源”为灵感,融合中国传统建筑和装饰元素、色彩和图案,将百事可乐“敢黑带感”品牌精神延续到时尚领域。 Inspired by the fashion week’s theme, the limited Pepsi special edition can was custom-designed for the event. Boldly combining references to Chinese traditional architecture and decorative elements, colors and patterns, Pepsi effortlessly extended its brand spirit "Live without compromise " to the fashion world. 现场图片补充: 原标题:百事X上海时装周 | PEPSI X SHANGHAI FASHION WEEK |