置身 Prismverse 体验馆中,由体验者触碰产品的顷刻,便能感受大自然中前所未见的耀眼光芒——夺目的银河星光、晶石珍光、细水粼光及棱镜折射的炫光,带出产品抹在肌肤上瞬间亮白、保湿、防护及焕肤等使用效果。Prismverse 体验馆获 sonihouse 赞助十二面体扬声器 scenary,让体验者置身于全方位的视听氛围中。感受影像与音效的同时,亦欢迎体验者于体验馆内探索心目中最耀目的亮丽色彩。 A journey to unprecedented sceneries of glimmers begins at the touch of the product centered in the space. Audience will be immersed in splendors of our mother nature, ranging from the galaxy and distant stars, rare gemstones, glistens of flowing water, and refracted light beams. These resembles the brightening, moisturizing, protective and vitalizing effects of the product once applied on skin. Thanks to the omnidirectional speaker ‘scenery’ produced by sonihouse, audience can be bathed in an ambient soundscape, where sound is equally distributed to every direction. Audience are most encouraged to pace around and explore brilliance of the world from all angles in Prismverse. 每当敌方英雄只剩最后一滴血时,他便通知她:杀。 接到信号后,她就会向敌方发出积攒已久的大招,一招毙命。 在王者荣耀这款游戏里,敌方英雄被杀死时,谁砍的最后一刀,谁就能拿到人头,战绩里的杀敌次数就会加一。 这样的战术能够保证喻茉在最低死亡次数的情况下,拿到最多的杀敌次数。杀敌次数与死亡次数的比越高,战绩就越好。 也就是说,这个战术能够保证喻茉,不费吹灰之力地拿到最好的战绩。 当然,这个天才战术是喻茉自己想出来的。 最开始她提出来时,大神估计从来没有遇到过这么不要脸的菜鸟,隔了足足五分钟才说:好。 …… 大半局下来,组内频道里全是南风发的杀杀杀,每一个‘杀’后面都带一个句号。 喻茉隔着屏幕都仿佛能看到,南风淡定从容大杀四方的样子。她一边疯狂的放大招抢人头,一边骄傲自满:嘿,好操作不如神队友。 |