而媚俗的定义通常都迎合低俗/大众的口味,它也可以是简单的艺术,情感和情绪的强烈诉求。去了后者的定义,我会说Will Ryman目前的公共艺术灌注对帕克街是最光荣的显示“我见过一段时间。安装特点38巨大的玫瑰雕塑,织机钢茎上面这个著名的曼哈顿街上有两个故事,和艺术家本人称他的“情书纽约。”玫瑰爬画昆虫也有20大于生命的花瓣散落在第五十七和第六十七街之间的帕克街商城。这真是一个在寒冷的冬日看到的景象,我喜欢纽约刺骨的寒冷和春天盛开的超现实景象之间的对比。如果你发现自己在3月31日之前的大苹果,我强烈建议检查这些钢铁般的花朵。 While kitsch is often defined as something that panders to lowbrow/popular tastes, it can also simply mean art that appeals strongly to sentimentality and emotion. Going off this latter definition, I’d say Will Ryman’s current public-art instillation on Park Avenue is the most glorious display of kitsch I’ve seen in a while. The installation features 38 giant rose sculptures that loom on steel stems about two stories above this famous Manhattan street, and the artist himself calls the work his “love letter to New York City.” The roses crawl with painted insects and there are also 20 larger-than-life petals scattered along the Park Avenue Mall between 57th and 67th Streets. It really is a sight to behold on a chilly winter’s day, and I loved the contrast between the biting New York cold and the surreal images of blossoming springtime. If you find yourself in the big apple before March 31, I highly recommend checking out these steely blooms. |