该项目是由著名设计团队Hello Wood完成的。在该项目中,他们继续延用过去的景观设计风格,完成互动性的艺术装置,并将它们放置在一些欧洲城市的街道上供大家欣赏。在该项目中,是对圣诞树的创造性改造,位于匈牙利首都布达佩斯最大的音乐厅,同时有“艺术宫殿”之称的Mupa前方。 该项目的灵感来源便是圣诞树的形状和装饰。如今是假日季节,圣诞树无疑是最好的选择来庆祝圣诞节的到来,而且能够成为社区的标志性装置。同时,该装置的可维持性很强。该项目中的圣诞树是由候车厅的灯箱制作而成的,一共有11米高,它们经过回收改造后成为了一个显示屏, 位于2017年的文化广场上。四个楼层高的装置占地面积约为20平方米,上面有三个入口。较窄的一个是儿童入口,其他的两个成人可以进入,可以看到里面的结构和布局,吸引了人们的眼球。 Hello Wood has continued its tradition of building socially responsive Christmas trees in European cities though its latest addition, the Tree of Arts, built in front of Budapest’s largest concert hall, Mupa, also known as the Palace of Arts. Based on the idea that the spirit of Christmas should live beyond the holiday season and continue to symbolize community-building and sustainability into the New Year, the 11-meter tall tree made from lightboxes will be recycled into display units for the inside of the cultural venue in 2017.The four-story-high structure occupies 20 square meters and features three entrances—including a shorter one meant for children—so that visitors can view the tree from the inside. 匈牙利灯箱制作的圣诞树实景图 匈牙利灯箱制作的圣诞树实景图 匈牙利灯箱制作的圣诞树实景图 匈牙利灯箱制作的圣诞树实景图 匈牙利灯箱制作的圣诞树实景图 匈牙利灯箱制作的圣诞树实景图 匈牙利灯箱制作的圣诞树实景图 |